august 2023 Newsletter

Our next club meeting will be held on September 27 at 8pm.

The July meeting was the changeover for the membership year. If you haven’t renewed yet, please join us at the next shoot or meeting and remember to bring your old key!

Our September 3D will be our final 3D and last League shoot for the year. The Wednesday before, September 13, will be a work night at 5 p.m. to mow/weedwack and clear the lanes. The 3D course set up will be Friday, September 15 at 5 p.m. and we always appreciate the help. Hope to see everyone for our final 3D of the year!

The Riverside NASP kids will be using the indoor range on Mondays and Thursdays from 5-7 p.m. The kids will be signed up for associate memberships and shooting in smaller groups to get done a bit more quickly. Other members are asked to shoot at other times or days. The club will be also closed on October 8.

With the recent trees that have been cut, there will be cords of firewood and maple slabs available for sale at the next meetings and shoots for anyone interested.

The BUCK POOL is open! It is $5 per person and is for early season archery bucks only. Score based on points and spread. Please remember to sign up before the start of archery season.


September 3D Shoots:
September 9&10 … Beaver Valley (League Shoot)
September 17 … CVBowman (League Shoot)